I can’t believe how quickly time flys by.
All Volunteers are stepping up to the plate with final preparations and plans in place. The excitement is palpable. It’s the first time such an Avantgarde Event has been proposed as a Fundraiser. I’ve always loved a challenge & I have witnessed first hand how Vibrational Sound can change our bodies and emotions and bring peace and contentment.

Local Radio Mix96 Ben Moseby asked me about TheSoundSanctum and the Fundraiser Sound Baths Event taking place on Saturday 7th September 2019.
I have been checking over my instruments making sure they are all in order for the day. Sorting out which Mallets and Flumis to bring with me & which of my stools, chairs, coloured blankets and Mats will accompany me. My white Outfits are ready as well as packaging materials, padded Drum and Gong bags to keep instruments protected, I have decanted Palo Santo and Agua Di Florida into spray bottles for Aura clearing as I won’t be able to smudge with open flame like I do in The Sound Sanctum.
Packing has begun. The large instruments and frames still need to be packed!